Sunday, November 16, 2008

how am I?

October 16th 2005

I hate the phone...

Nothing about talking necessarily, I just hate being on the phone as a device.  I think it comes from the really crappy jobs I had doing phone work.

Anyway, I didn't call you back, because I didn't even look at my phone until now (sun night).  Unless I'm away from c, I don't usually look at it.

Right now I'm just home from work.  I get to work as much overtime as I want, so I usually put in a few hours each weekend day.  this is nice because there's no noise, or interuptions, or people watching me work...  so I can get things done.

The job is great, perfect, except for the pay which is only okay. but we have a new CEO who's talking about how important it is to retain the good hi tech people, so maybe the pay thing will change.

I'm also still teaching, this time at a place called ottawa university, which is in ottawa KS, about 30 minutes from here.  it's fine, the students are kind of mediocre, but they try hard, so it's a fun challenge instead of a depressing one.

In the spring, they've asked me to teach two classes, programming 1 and computer game programming.  so that should be fun!

that's also one of the great things about the press (my main job) is that they let me go and teach two days a week.  They don't pay me, but they let  me go during the day, and then I make up my hours at night or whatever.

I've pretty much worked 60 hour weeks at the press and also teaching every week.  so I'm making decent money.  (almost as much as you!)  If I get a good raise, we may get carla a new car..  the mini is one of the possibilities.  Any thoughts on that?

mainly what I do at the press is R&D for the typesetting area, but that seems to be evolving into product develoment for various software products that we sell..  this happens because, people here at the press use the software that we also sell to other companies, and since I produce such very pretty and presentable software, I think they want to put that good image out to the paying customers.  so that 's good, job security etc...

it's also exciting.  I'm working in a situation where I can work the way I like...  Like I did in grad school or while novel writing.  I can be very productive, and nobody really cares if I'm tied to my desk for 8.5 hours a day minus the 1/2 hour lunch.  

SO, any news from there?  I guess we're coming out at some point when mom's there.??  

How are the dogs?  We're having flea season here.  we've shaved hazel twice this month.  she looks funny!

I love it that gas is $3 a gallon.  so much less traffic on the roads.  and my gas bills have gone from $5 a week to $15 a week in the past year, so it's not that great a hardship for me.  You?

That's all I can think of right now.



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