Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This is a fictional account. The names were changed to....

Today at 12:05am
alright... you have sucked me in. what is with the numbers?

David DeHetre
Today at 12:12am
heh.. sorry about that..

I'm working on a book, and those are word counts..

It's sort of a way that a few of us in a club keep track..

I guess it is kind of annoying..


David DeHetre
Today at 12:12am
I put a little explain on the page, for others.. who may be confused as well.

Today at 8:28am
Not annoying, but it definitely piqued my interest.

So you are writing a book? What topic?

David DeHetre
Today at 10:25am
It's a novel.

and I'm having trouble categorizing it.. Basically it's a romance I guess, but there's a lot of sort of horror type things to it.. It's kind of like fight club.. -- if you see what I mean.. Not really any category in particular. But it's a novel. Fiction.

Today at 11:07am
I understand. My romantic life has a lot of horror type of things to it as well.

Good luck!!

David DeHetre
Today at 11:10am
that's hilarious! I'm going to edit out your name and send that to a few choice friends...

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