Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This is a fictional account. The names were changed to....

Today at 12:05am
alright... you have sucked me in. what is with the numbers?

David DeHetre
Today at 12:12am
heh.. sorry about that..

I'm working on a book, and those are word counts..

It's sort of a way that a few of us in a club keep track..

I guess it is kind of annoying..


David DeHetre
Today at 12:12am
I put a little explain on the page, for others.. who may be confused as well.

Today at 8:28am
Not annoying, but it definitely piqued my interest.

So you are writing a book? What topic?

David DeHetre
Today at 10:25am
It's a novel.

and I'm having trouble categorizing it.. Basically it's a romance I guess, but there's a lot of sort of horror type things to it.. It's kind of like fight club.. -- if you see what I mean.. Not really any category in particular. But it's a novel. Fiction.

Today at 11:07am
I understand. My romantic life has a lot of horror type of things to it as well.

Good luck!!

David DeHetre
Today at 11:10am
that's hilarious! I'm going to edit out your name and send that to a few choice friends...

Thursday, December 4, 2008



After years and years and about 5 tries, I finally found a wireless mouse that works.
Not sure if it's that technologies and human factors design has just caught up in the past couple of years, or if this particular model is just good. But:

It's a Microsoft bluetooth notebook mouse 5000.


works great. no tracking glitches, no wake up delay, it reads and tracks on anything that isn't clear, nothing irritating about the buttons or wheel, etc..

The battery life seems good (original batteries, and it's been on for four days now.. still working, but I use rechargeable, so I don't really care as long as I don't have to fiddle with them too often)

It worked right away with my macbook, just by turning on bluetooth and adding it to the list of paired devices.