Friday, May 15, 2009



so I wrote a book, and I was all excited that my friend Sheila came up with such a clever title for it: f#*@ing_brilliant

I love that. I loved the exact appearance of the cartoon swearing. and a lot of other things about that. but: now that people are looking for it, of course they don't know how to spell in cartoon swearing. and they can't find it.

so: this post represents the beginning of me trying to make the book appear on search engines under the non-cartoon spelling of: fucking brilliant.

now: fucking brilliant is the title, and always has been, but I liked the idea of having the cartoony: f#*@ing_brilliant on the cover, because that's kind of how the book is. A bit profane, but fun! so: I don't want to change it 'officially' to fucking brilliant, but the only alternative I have is to generate things like this blog post that will cause the search engines to 'cross-list' the two 'titles'.

so here it is: f#*@ing_brilliant == "fucking brilliant" == f#*@ing_brilliant == "fucking brilliant" == f#*@ing_brilliant == "fucking brilliant" and so on.

gripping reading, no?

p.s. if you've read it, or you just know it's great, why not go to the book page and post a little review. -- hell, if you hated it, post that too! (but you didn't hate it, did you now?)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

pretty good

here's a link to a friend's blog. it's pretty informative grammar/style-wise. and it's fun too!

also: good for the linkings etc...